Happy Dance CBD Body Butter

Happy Dance $30.00

Happy Dance CBD Body Butter

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High quality beauty product infused with solid CBD. Plus Kristen Bell.

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Happy Dance CBD Body Butter is one of the products from Kristen Bell’s new CBD line. Before we jump into the product itself, let’s take a moment to have a chat about the relationship between CBD and celebrities. First off, there are two types of CBD products that have a celebrity or athlete endorsement. One is when a famous person is paid money to help promote a product. Example: “My name Gronk and me like [insert name of CBD.]” That’s the most common CBD + celebrity collaboration. Those are the lower tier of celebrity endorsements.

But something like Happy Dance, on the other hand, is a very different scenario. In this scenario the celebrity is actually a part of the company. And that’s what we have with Happy Dance. Kristen Bell — super famous adorable person that everyone on earth loves — is a co-founder. She’s putting her reputation as everyone’s favorite human on the line with this brand. So, is it any good?

The Good

On the plus side, this Body Butter is made with what appear to be great ingredients — with things we’ve heard of like shea butter, olive oil and rosemary extract. (It also has a lot of ingredients we’ve never heard of, but such is the way of almost all topicals and skin creams.) So they’ve got the skincare side of this Happy Dance CBD Body Butter down. And it’s vegan and cruelty-free. Which we always love to see. And sidenote, they also have a great Instagram account.

The Could-Be-Better

The CBD side, however…well we’d like a little more information, please. As we mentioned we love that it claims to be full-spectrum. But we’d love a little more info on where they get their CBD and how it’s manufactured and processed. The only mention of their CBD sourcing is “industrial hemp from the USA.” Which isn’t necessarily bad, but it’s just sort of middle of the road. And we always love to see brands put as much effort and transparency into their CBD as they do all the other ingredients in their products. And we also wish there was a little more CBD for the price. But, we do love seeing celebrities getting into the CBD space because if they help make more people interested in it, then that’s awesome.

The other nit we’ll pick is you have to buy the product to get access to the test results. That’s something Lord Jones does as well. So maybe all premium skincare brands got together and decided to do it that way? We downloaded one of the test result reports and it said that there was no THC detected. Which usually means that’s it’s a broad spectrum or isolate — not a full spectrum CBD product as advertised. Hmmm.

But Let’s Talk More About the Good

At the end of the day, the branding is fun. Kristen Bell is fun. Shea butter isn’t greasy and feel nice on your skin. And the non-CBD aspects of the product are high-quality. We just wish the CBD side was a little more transparent and there was a bit more actual full spectrum CBD infused into this cream. Which is basically how we feel about Martha Stewart’s new CBD line. If it gets people more open to try CBD, then we’re all for it.

Also, 1% of all profits go to the A New Way of Life Reentry Project, which provides pro bono legal services, advocacy and other aid to help women rebuilding their lives after prison. An extremely worth charity.

WHAT IS Happy Dance CBD Body Butter AND HOW DO YOU USE IT?

It’s a CBD-infused skin cream. You use it like you would any other hydrating skin cream. Rub it on your legs. Your arms. Your elbows (we can keep listing body parts if you want.) We’re not sure if we’d use this on our face a lot, though. They also offer free shipping on orders above $35.


Anyone who wants to rub Kristen Bell all over their body. So, basically, Dax Shepard and anyone with dry skin. (Yes, that is a joke.) Plus it should have a handful of phytonutrients, terpenes and antioxidants. How those stack up next to Dax Shepard is a question only you can answer.

HOW MUCH CBD IS IN Happy Dance CBD Body Butter?

This jar of Happy Dance CBD Body Butter has 200mgs of full spectrum (or maybe broad spectrum or isolate) CBD inside.


According to the lab results we downloaded, there’s no THC in this product at all. Which means no, it won’t get you high.

Also Read: Is CBD-infused makeup legit?


Put it on your skin whenever your skin is dry. They recommend waiting for the first application to dry before applying another to avoid pilling. And with any topical (CBD or not), we recommend doing a little spot test to make sure it doesn’t cause anything bad like a rash or hives or tiny little Kristen Bell’s breaking out all over your skin. Again, we recommend this with any new product you put on your skin.


As far as treating your dry skin, that is pretty immediate. But any benefits of CBD could take 2-4 weeks to take effect. As our Dr. Neil Shah says, “there’s a reason they don’t do one-day CBD trials.” And your endocananbinoid system doesn’t work like that.

Yes. The 2018 Farm bill made any CBD product with less than 0.3% THC federally legal. Yes, even Kristen Bell CBD.


Yes it is. But as we mentioned you have to buy the product and enter the access code into their site to see the test results. We wish you didn’t have to buy the product to see it, but since we aren’t a genie, not all our wishes come true.