Palmetto Harmony CBD Softgels

Palmetto Harmony $89.99

Palmetto Harmony CBD Softgels

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This full spectrum CBD product uses premium parts of the hemp plant for a well-rounded experience.

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The Greenest Grade™ is our unbiased, comprehensive score given to a multitude of CBD and cannabis products. You can always rely on true, accurate advice from the most trusted source for cannabis reviews on the internet.

The Greenest Says:

Palmetto Harmony CBD Softgels are a simple, organic capsule. MCT oil and USDA certified organic, full-spectrum CBD are the only two ingredients…inside of a beef-gelatin and glycerin capsule. So it’s not vegan. 10mg per capsule, which isn’t too much and offers a good intermediate dose that experienced users can easily double or triple. The price is a little steep, but considering the cleanliness and simplicity of the ingredients, I would recommend these to anyone willing to pay a little extra for quality. – Willy Christie

What are the Palmetto Harmony CBD Softgels?

Palmetto Harmony CBD Softgels are a full spectrum CBD product. The company grows, extracts, bottles and distributes their products all in the same facility in South Carolina, which helps ensure consistency and accuracy throughout the whole process. These capsules are organic and non-GMO. By using the whole hemp plant, they ensure a more well-rounded CBD experience. And full spectrum CBD products give you the coveted entourage effect. That’s when all the cannabinoids like CBD, CBN, CBG and even a little THC work together to give you the full effect. And that helps keep your endocannabinoid system in balance. (Some people use the word homeostasis instead of balance.) And this also has terpenes, phytonutrients and antioxidants. Hooray, right?

How Much CBD is in it?

Each capsule contains 10 mg of CBD. Each bottle contains 60 capsules, making 600 mg of CBD total. Yeah, we’re pretty good at math.

Will This Get You High?

No. The capsules are full spectrum, meaning they use the entire hemp plant in production and do contain some THC. But the amount of THC in the capsules is too small to produce any psychoactive effects.

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How Much Palmetto Harmony CBD Softgels Should You Take?

Palmetto Harmony suggests taking two capsules in one serving, which would be 20 mg at one time. But always start low at first. We recommend that with any supplement. Whether it’s fish oil or even Vitamin Water.

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How Long Will it Take to be Effective?

The amount of time it takes for CBD to take effect depends on each person’s body chemistry. And CBD isn’t like some drug that will cure a headache. Do you feel different 15 minutes after you take your daily vitamin? No. And you need to look at CBD the same way. Even the ones that have a tiny amount of THC. Sometimes those can help take off the edge of anxiety. But they won’t make you feel superhuman. And it can take 2-4 weeks for CBD to work its way into your system. Especially for first time users. There’s a reason why they don’t have one-day clinical trials.

Yes. Although the capsules do contain trace amounts of THC, it is less than 0.3%. Therefore it’s legal in all 50 states.

Is This Product Tested and Certified?

Yes. Palmetto Harmony ensures all their products are tested by independent, third party labs. They publish the results of these tests on their website. Palmetto Harmony also received an “A” grade from the Center for Food Safety. The CFS tested over 40 brands and only four received an A grade, meaning their products should be very trustworthy.

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